Happy and Safe Harvest

Green combine driving through and picking a field of corn ready for harvest.
October 2 2024

Fall harvest is a busy time of the year for our local farmers and certainly a dangerous time as well. This means long hours in the field, usually from sunup to sundown, pulling in and out of the field throughout the day heading to the elevator or back to farm headquarters to unload or move to the next field of unharvested crops. Unfortunately, the deeper you get into harvest, the more daily pressures mount from managing time, breakdowns coupled with the race against the weather increases the odds of farm accidents. So, we need to help decrease those odds by being more aware of our surroundings and paying greater attention when traveling rural roads or highways. Please keep these things in mind for this fall harvest.

  • Large farm equipment travels at slower speeds so give yourself time to react when you meet them on the road.
  • Do not pass when it is unsafe to do so. (Have patience)
  • If the equipment or semi you are following slows down, it generally means they are turning, and they will make wide turns.
  • Be courteous and don’t tailgate- give them plenty of space.
  • Don’t use your cell phone.

The person in the tractor, combine, or semi, is someone’s grandparents, parents, or sibling so we need to do our best to prevent any possible accidents. A fatal accident will be life-changing for all those involved.

I will always remember what an older gentleman said to me one day as I rushed around to get on the road because I had to be somewhere at a certain time but was running late.

“Young man,” he said, “If you needed to be there sooner, you should have left earlier”

So please be safe, courteous, alert and leave earlier this harvest.

-Sonny Manley, President- Hebron-

“We may never understand His wisdom, but we simply have to trust His will.”

Sonny Manley

“Be kind because everybody is dealing with something you know nothing about.”

Jim Scott
Broken Bow

“Part of attaining success is surrounding yourself with people that share the same drive, determination and direction that you want to achieve.  I feel the people we hire at Bruning Bank represent those assets and they strive to help our customers build, grow and thrive in business as well as personal endeavors.” 

Todd Clabaugh

"You’ve heard this before, '50% of success in your life comes from just showing up, more precisely showing up on time and being there when you are supposed to be.' That does not apply only to financial success it applies to everything. Your persistence in being there and being present and engaged in your family, your church and your work/career, you don’t have to talk a good game to be successful, you need to do. If you show-up, you're half way there.  And when you show-up, help will be available to get you the rest of the way.  Thanks to all of you that show-up!" 

Jerry Catlett
President & COO

“At Bruning Bank, we are about building relationships. If you walk through our doors, we want you to feel like family. Whether it is your first time in, or you are a long-established customer, we want your experience to be positive, insightful, and lasting. The people we employ are vital in this role and do an amazing job carrying out the values and mission established by the bank. I truly feel this is what sets Bruning Bank apart from other institutions.“

Luke Thorell